Verification of Ohms Law.

Concept Explanation

Verification of Ohms Law

Ohm's Law:

Ohm's Law states that the current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference between its ends, provided the physical conditions such as temperature of conductor remain unchanged.

Experimental Verification Of Ohm's Law:

Set up a circuit as shown in figure below with a battery (B) to act as a source of electricity, a switch or a key (K) to control the flow of current in the circuit,  a rheostat (Rh),to vary the resistance in the circuit, an ammeter (A) to measure the flow of current,, a resistor (R) across which a voltmeter (V) is connected to measure the potential difference. When ever the sliding terminal of the rheostat is moved the current in the circuit changes. We will follow the steps .given below to verify the Ohm's Law.


  • Insert the key and allow the current to flow. the sliding terminal of the rheostat is adjusted to get the minimum reading in Ammeter A and voltmeter V.
  • The value of current and potential difference is noted from the Ammeter and Voltmeter.
  • Move the sliding terminal of the rheostat and the current in the circuit is increased gradually.
  • The value of current and potential difference is noted again from the Ammeter and Voltmeter.
  • Repeat the step 3 and 4 for different set of values of current and potential difference.
  • The ratio of V and I is calculated for each set of values, you will notice that the value of the ratio so calculated is almost the same.
  • Hence the Ohm's Law  V/I = R, which is a constant. is verified.
  • These set of values are then plotted on a graph as shown below.
  • The graph of the current against the potential difference is plotted, it will be a straight line. This shows that the current is proportional to the potential difference.

    Limitation of Ohm s Law

    1. Ohm s law does not apply to conductors such as diode, radio valves, metal rectifiers, electricity through gases.

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